Creating a Mailing List
CSLab lets anyone create simple mailing lists. Please see our mailing lists page for more information.
Using Both: .forward-nonspam and .forward
If you have both a .forward-nonspam and a .forward, email that is not tagged as spam is handled by your .forward-nonspam, while email that is tagged as spam is handled by your .forward instead of just being quietly discarded.
Vacation Autoreplies and Email Forwarding
Vacation autoreplies don't interfere or change your forwarding, and vice versa; you can have both active at once, and you can start or stop them independently. This means that turning your vacation autoreplies on or off does not change your .forward-nonspam or .forward files, or does not create them. vacationmessage start does create a default .vacation.msg file if you don't already have one.
Email Filtering with .forward
As usual on Unix systems, your .forward (and .forward-nonspam) isn't limited to just email addresses; it can be used to, for example, run email through procmail. The details of how this works on CSLab are covered on our email filtering page.
Please see our spam page for more information on spam filtering.
Filtering with Procmail
Powerful mail handling is available through procmail.
An email alias is simply an alternate name for your email address. You can achieve this by creating a mailing list of the desired name, such that your email address is the only address in the mailing list. Please see our mailing lists page for more information.