Points of Contact (PoC)
Each research group has a Point of Contact (PoC), a person who serves as the primary computing support for the group. If the documentation on these pages is not sufficient to solve a particular problem, your Point of Contact can be contacted by email, phone or in person.
Getting Started
This is the computing support site for the Computer Science Laboratory (CSLab) in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto. CSLab is the departmental computing facility that provides computing services and infrastructure for Computer Science research. For teaching, computing services for courses are provided by the Computer Science Teaching Laboratories.
Connect to our Networks
One of the first priorities of a new member of our department is to obtain network connectivity. This can be done easily in two ways via either our 'Red' wired network (so named for the colour of the cables) or our wireless network. Before you begin, make sure you or someone helping you has obtained a CSLab Account. You will need this when you register your devices for our network services.
Method 1: If you have an available (i.e. unused) red cable at your location, plug it into your device. Try to open http://red-register.cs.toronto.edu (many websites will redirect you to this site in any event) after you plug it in, and you will be presented with the registration page.
Method 2: Connect your devices wirelessly. Go to Wireless and follow the instructions there, and you will be able to register your device.
Email Setup
Please refer to our Email page for more info regarding this.
Backing Up Data
Once you have configured your system to operate on the CSLab network, you should take advantage of the CSLab file servers to save your important data to your home directory. In fact, we urge you to do so in order to avoid data loss. Not only do we backup up our file servers daily, we back them up to media that are securely stored in a different building. This means that if we are contacted in a timely manner, we will often be able to restore lost data for you. Please refer to the page on Self Administered Machines for details.